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Bootprelay configuration

Bootprelay configuration

New Contributor

We have a D series Extreme switch and would like to enable bootprelay so clients can receive their addresses from the companies DHCP server.

I see the commands are (assuming just the default vlan is configured)

"configure bootrelay add "

"enable bootprelay vlan"

However the document also says the VLAN must have an ip address and IP forwarding must be enabled which is where I am confused.

This device will not be routing, just acting as a simple switch. Do I need to configure IP addresses and IP forwarding to make Bootprelay work when the device is not being used as a router?




Extreme Employee
Hello Laurie,

To confirm what Ram and Frank said you do not need to configure bootprelay on a switch that is not routing. The discovers will make it to the routing device via L2 and that device should be the one configured to absorb the discovers to be relayed to the DHCP server.

Contributor II
As far as I understand it, if you're not routing, then you don't need to configure bootprelay. I'm assuming that the clients are on the same network/vlan as the server.

Extreme Employee
What is the switch type? You mentioned D (enterasys operating system), but commands are for X series (exos operating system)
Regards Zdeněk Pala

Extreme Employee
The following KB Article would help us on How to configure Bootprelay using EXOS:-

Bootprelay needs to be enabled on the switch that is routing. As long as the device has L2 connectivity up to the routing switch bootprelay will take over from there.