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Change IP on interface VLAN remote

Change IP on interface VLAN remote

New Contributor II
Is it an easy way to change a interface VLAN remote?
As far as I see it is not possible to set more than one IP an a interface...


Valued Contributor III
Don't forget to check any routes (default or otherwise) that may be tied to the VLAN IP you're changing. You could end up with a switch with a new IP, but no route back to you.
At least then you can telnet or SSH to it from another device or switch in the same subnet and take care of it.

New Contributor II
Nice, thanks for the fast reply

New Contributor
Sorry should have written that too 🙂

You can make the script directly on the switch with the command :

edit script "script_name"

You will then use the builtin VI editor to make the script, and then you can load that script with the command :
Load script "script_name.xsf"

You can also make the script in notepad++ or what ever text editor you use, and save it as a .xsf file and upload into the switch with the command:
tftp get x.x.x.x vr vr-xx "filename.xsf"

That should get you the file onto the switch and you can again load the script as mentioned before.

I wouldn't have expected this to work on Linux/Unix, so was surprised when it sounded like it might on XOS. In linux, as soon as a command is run that would disconnect your current ssh/telnet session, the batch file exits.

Can you create another vlan with it's own IP temporarily for the purpose of changing the default vlan's IP? create the vlan on the target switch and the switch it connects to, ssh give them both IPs in the temporary vlan, ssh to the target's temp IP from the other switch, change default vlan's ip, destroy temporary stuff.