Hi Guys,
a few days ago I had updated some test switches (x440-G2) from firmware to This changed the internal ssh handling.
echo "show vlan" | ssh switch
doesn't work any longer. the switch removes the first 10 characters of the command and returns an error.
'echo "1234567890show vlan" | ssh switch'
will execute "show vlan" which seems to be a bug.
I tested the following notation and realized this still worked:
"ssh switch show vlan"
so i changed my scripts to this notation. Still, I'm wondering if this is intentional.
While debugging this i found another difference: setting the banner with the above method stopped working too:
echo -e "conf banner after-login\nTestbanner\nRow1\nRow2" | ssh switch
even if i add 10 chars at the beginning it produces an error. Instead of changing the after-login banner, i'll get the error that "Row1" is an unrecoginzed command.
my workaround for that is to create a banner.xsf, write the "conf banner after-login" command and its new multiline value to it and then scp the script to the switch and run it locally with "run script banner.xsf".
So my question is, will this be reverted? Is that a bug or something i can't expect to work like it does with older firmware?
Kind regards