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clipaging - linux telnet/ssh client

clipaging - linux telnet/ssh client

Contributor II
Create Date: Apr 29 2013 9:29PM

Hi all,When I connect to a Extreme switch using the linux (ubuntu) native telnet/ssh client, the page separator ("Press to continue or to quit:") is not "erased" when going to the next page. This is quite annoying when analyzing a big configuration or log because every X lines one is shifted to the right. Is there a way to configure the terminal so it understands the emulation correctly?Seems that the terminal does not understand the semicolon that is sent in the escape code. Extreme sends "ESC[60;D" and the correct "move cursor 60 units to the left" ansi code would be "ESC[60D"It does work with Putty, but I don't like it.example:04/29/2013 16:27:54.63 Node INIT DONE ....Press to continue or to quit:_x005F_x001B_[60;D04/29/2013 16:27:54.12 Node State[1] = INIT04/29/2013 16:27:53.22 Hal initialization done. (from Luis_Coelho)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 4 2013 6:32AM

some terminals also mess up when backspacing a long line the cursor ends up on completely the wrong part of the terminal. (although i think that might be a serial connection as i haven't noticed it recently) (from conrad_jones)