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Config Port Redundant

Config Port Redundant

New Contributor
How do i config port redundant from one x670 to another x670 or in my case a juniper MX ?
is it enough to only config the extreme side with "configure port 1:1 redundant 1:2 link off" or do a have to config some redundancy on the other side to (MX)?
Is there any limits to use command redundant?
only gonna send L2 vlan and vman, about 2000 of them.
LAG is not an option in this case.


New Contributor
if this redundancy works good, there is no more problems with the LAG  thanks for the help

Extreme Employee
Understood. You may share the issue regarding LAG in another post so we can try to help.

With that feature only on side (with the CLI applied) is responsible to control the redundancy. It will basically check link-up and link-down.

That means if you enable this in an Extreme device you can use any device in the other side like servers and any vendor switch/router.

New Contributor
okej thanks. have had problems with lag and customers shaping so i want to test something else 

Extreme Employee
Hi Peder, to use that feature you have to configure only one side (extreme side in this case).

I would recommend you to use "link on" option so you can track the redundant port (1:2) if something happens.

Lets say the link is off and someone removes the cable connected to port 1:2. Using "link on" in that case the link down will be logged.