I'm attaching two screen shots to visualize in netsight what I'm looking at. In the lower right corner there are colored blocks by severity. I would expect the OSPF messages to end up in here like other messages do.

I would also expect the events to email me as a test due to the alarm configuration. I know that when we first migrated to X690's in the core, our consultant helped setup so if a power supply or fan goes, we do get alerted. That works as we tested pulling a fan or power supply briefly to check the logs and alerts.

This is on the switch side and the netsight server is in fact
enable cli-config-logging
configure syslog add vr VR-Default local0
configure log target syslog vr VR-Default local0 from
enable log target syslog vr VR-Default local0
configure log target syslog vr VR-Default local0 filter DefaultFilter severity Debug-Data
configure log target syslog vr VR-Default local0 match Any
configure log target syslog vr VR-Default local0 format timestamp seconds date Mmm-dd event-name none process-slot priority tag-id tag-name
One thing I chedked in sh configuration | i snmp, I see this line:
enable snmp traps configuration save
So I'm wondering what other traps there are. I did enable snmp traps ? and I see ospf is an option so I pick that and the options are all or trap-map. So I'm going to test this:
enable snmp traps ospf all
I don't know if that is the "missing link" that I need to complete this configuration but I hope its just that simple. I do not know how the hardware alerts are getting through because there is no enable snmp traps for hardware. Also we do get port up/down messages and I do not see enable snmp traps port-up-down in our config at all.
All assistance is greatly appreciated!