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connectivity problems

connectivity problems

New Contributor
when i installed switch summit X460 ,and wires connected to ports, connection is not done and network is not working.....switch is in a flat network,...!

Extreme Employee
If you connect the cable between two ports, does the LED iluminate? Does the port have link? Anything on the CLI?
Regards Zdeněk Pala

Hi Zain, if you loop 2 ports and you don't see any led/link, there are couple things we can check, but you need CLI access (console access since no ports are up) or at least the last updated configuration file/backup.

The switch can have some features that will disable the port if a loop is detected (not enable by default, but someone could have enabled that). Also, as already mentioned before, CLI access will assure all ports are enabled and we will be able to provide a better guidance or even run a switch extended diagnostics.

We needs to see the config or at the very least the output from show vlan to even guess at this. Thanks

I do not understand how you know that ports are enabled if you do not have access to the CLI.
Regards Zdeněk Pala