I am new to NetIron CER admin. I am trying to create an ESI on a CER, Version 5.2.0cT183 .
I need to have 3 ethernet ports be on a separate ESI, just transparent and allowing any vlans, or all just untagged. Just needs to be separate ESI. Is this possible, how?
I tried to add
esi MMC encapsulation cvlan
vlan 3101 name MMCWAN
interface ethernet 1/3
port-type customer-edge
port-name MMC ATT
speed-duplex 1000-full
cluster-l2protocol-forward enable
interface ethernet 1/9
port-type customer-edge
port-name Charter QinQ clients
speed-duplex 1000-full
spanning-tree root-protect
interface ethernet 1/10
port-type customer-edge
port-name Charter QinQ clients
speed-duplex 1000-full
spanning-tree root-protect