When you provide answers about things you don't know the answers too it causes confusion which is not helpful and could even be harmful the customers and the brand. Fortunately I have additional resources and try to fact check everything, someone else may have read your post and ordered a 690, 590, 460-G2, or 620 only to find out it didn't work in their environment.
My understanding is the the 460-G2 does not support LRMs on the native 10G ports only on the ports in the optional Summit X460-G2 VIM-2x add-on card.
We found a document from Extreme that shows the 690 does not support LRMs.

From discussions we had last year I do not believe the 620 supports LRMs either, though I have no documentation one way or the other.
The 440-G2 supports LRMs only on the 48p models according to the data sheet.
The 450-G2 supports LRMs on all 10G models to the best of my knowledge.