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Downloading to SwitchError: Failed to download image - tftp: timeout

Downloading to SwitchError: Failed to download image - tftp: timeout

New Contributor
Hello, Good morning.

If I have connectivity between the switch and tftp server(tftp32), why I get that message? what Im doing wrong?

New Contributor III
Custom VRs are only allowed in certain Extreme Switches (you would have to check the manuals, but I think it is the high end only (x460, x670, BDs etc...) If you are using netsight to download images I would recommend using the scripts that are provided. In Inventory manager you select the MIB override method (right click) and select script. Then you select the script that you need for your switch, (SCP or TFTP , VR-Default or VR-Mgmt)

New Contributor
Downloading to SwitchError: Failed to download image - tftp: sendto: Network is unreachable

Getting this error and I have connectivity between the x440 and tftp server. Can anyone help?

New Contributor
Can I configure XOS to have a VR that it always uses when TFTP downloading images, so that when I have Netsight tell it to download an image it knows to use, for example, VR-Mgmt?

Valued Contributor III
You mentioned that you're using Windows. Is the windows firewall causing these problems? You may want to turn it off temporarily if you haven't tried that already.