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EAPS Pros and Cons

EAPS Pros and Cons

New Contributor
Greetings ....
I am ramping on XOS features and functionality in order to sandbox a Dev/Ops infrastructure migration project that relies heavily on shared network services using management VM's and VLAN's.

Would like to solicit Pros and Cons deploying EAPS as a DRP solution using BDX8800 and Summit X480 platforms to support Test-Dev labs connected to a campus/metro ring topology?.

Extreme Employee
Hello Michael

I will do my best to give you all of the feedback but please let me know if you still have questions.

*Very fast failover and recovery. Timeframes as fast as 50-60ms with consistent failure and recovery time, regardless of the number of VLANs or MAC addresses.
*Very consistent and very easy to install versus RSTP. In addition you can have non-protected VLANs span the switches without having it protected. For example ring of 6 but I need a VLAN between switch 5-6 not protected.
*Can have different speed links
* Can have multiple domains per physical ring

*L2 only failover
*Must have at least 3 switches to form a physical ring
*if you don't use spartial reuse (two rings in different directions) then you will block one link. Master secondary link
*Is Extreme only however we also support ERPS (G8032) which is the standard and works almost the same way as EAPS for interoperability.
