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EXOS Sharing master port not added to Agg Mbr

EXOS Sharing master port not added to Agg Mbr

Contributor II
Can you MLAG different plateforms 450E and a 460?

Contributor II
Hi Tomasz,

There is nothing like media converter in between, it's direct MM link.

At the moment the lag seems to be OK (?):

  * Slot-1 PPD22.3 # sh sharing
Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Min Ld Share Dist Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Active Algorithm Flags Group Mbr State Transitions
1:26 1:26 LACP 1 L2 A 1:26 Y A 0
L2 3:26 Y A 0

Here is "show lacp lag 1:26 detail" output:

* Slot-1 PPD22.2 # sh lacp lag 1:26 detail

Lag Actor Actor Partner Partner Partner Agg Actor
Sys-Pri Key MAC Sys-Pri Key Count MAC
1:26 0 0x0402 00:01:02:00:a1:01 32768 0x0010 2 02:04:96:9e:89:15

Enabled : Yes
LAG State : Up
Unack count : 0
Wait-for-count : 0
Current timeout : Long
Activity mode : Active
Defaulted Action : Delete
Fallback : Disabled
Fallback timeout : 60 seconds
Receive state : Enabled
Transmit state : Enabled
Minimum active : 1
Selected count : 2
Standby count : 0
LAG Id flag : Yes
S.pri:0 ,, K:0x0402
T.pri:32768,, L:0x0010

Port list:

Member Port Rx Sel Mux Actor Partner
Port Priority State Logic State Flags Port
1:26 0 Current Selected Collect-Dist A-GSCD-- 1418
3:26 0 Current Selected Collect-Dist A-GSCD-- 650
Actor Flags: A-Activity, T-Timeout, G-Aggregation, S-Synchronization
C-Collecting, D-Distributing, F-Defaulted, E-Expired

And "show lacp member-port 1:26 detail" output:
* Slot-1 PPD22.4 # show lacp member-port 1:26 detail

Member Port Rx Sel Mux Actor Partner
Port Priority State Logic State Flags Port
1:26 0 Current Selected Collect-Dist A-GSCD-- 1418
Up : Yes
Enabled : Yes
Link State : Up
Actor Churn : False
Partner Churn : False
Ready_N : Yes
Wait pending : No
Ack pending : No
S.pri:0 ,, K:0x0402, P.pri:0 , P.num:1026
T.pri:32768,, L:0x0010, Q.pri:32768, Q.num:1418
Rx - Accepted : 14418
Rx - Dropped due to error in verifying PDU : 0
Rx - Dropped due to LACP not being up on this port : 0
Rx - Dropped due to matching own MAC : 0

Tx - Sent successfully : 19625
Tx - Transmit error : 0
Actor Flags: A-Activity, T-Timeout, G-Aggregation, S-Synchronization
C-Collecting, D-Distributing, F-Defaulted, E-Expired

Beside,, I have following log entries:

12/12/2018 11:02:53.02  Slot-1: Add port 1:26 to aggregator
12/12/2018 11:02:52.93 Slot-1: Remove port 1:26 from aggregator
12/12/2018 11:00:51.98 Slot-1: Add port 1:26 to aggregator
12/12/2018 10:34:33.94 Slot-1: Remove port 1:26 from aggregator
12/12/2018 10:33:01.09 Slot-1: Add port 1:26 to aggregator

The EXOS is

On the S4 side we have following config:
Bonded S4 Chassis(su)->sh lacp lag.0.16
Global Link Aggregation state: enabled
Single Port LAGs: enabled

Aggregator: lag.0.16
Actor Partner
System Identifier: 00:01:02:00:a1:01 02:04:96:9e:89:15
System Priority: 32768 0
Admin Key: 16
Oper Key: 16 1026
Attached Ports: tg.3.10;tg.7.10
Standby Ports: None.

Bonded S4 Chassis(su)->sh port lacp port tg.3.10;tg.7.10 status detail

Global Link Aggregation state : enabled

Port Instance: tg.3.10 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 650 PartnerAdminPort: 650
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 3026
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 16 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 0
ActorOperKey: 16 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----Glp PartnerOperPortPriority: 0
ActorOperState: --DCSGlp PartnerAdminKey: 16
ActorSystemID: 00-01-02-00-a1-01 PartnerOperKey: 1026
SelectedAggID: lag.0.16 PartnerAdminState: --DCSGlp
AttachedAggID: lag.0.16 PartnerOperState: --DCSGlA
MuxState: Distributing PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Current PartnerOperSystemID: 02-04-96-9e-89-15
portStandbyReason: none

Port Instance: tg.7.10 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 1418 PartnerAdminPort: 1418
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 1026
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 16 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 0
ActorOperKey: 16 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----Glp PartnerOperPortPriority: 0
ActorOperState: --DCSGlp PartnerAdminKey: 16
ActorSystemID: 00-01-02-00-a1-01 PartnerOperKey: 1026
SelectedAggID: lag.0.16 PartnerAdminState: --DCSGlp
AttachedAggID: lag.0.16 PartnerOperState: --DCSGlA
MuxState: Distributing PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Current PartnerOperSystemID: 02-04-96-9e-89-15
portStandbyReason: none

Due to the transient nature of the issue I am going to replace 10G modules and check the fiber link, although all DDMI data read from EXOS side is normal (?).


Valued Contributor II
BTW on the topic list I see this as posted by Ted, and the teaser is about MLAG of X450e and X460 question... ļ˜®

Valued Contributor II
Hi Robert,

This behavior is most likely to occur when that port is connected to some port on the other side, that is not a part of partner's LACP group. Or maybe you have some media converter or other device in between, so EXOS/converter link is UP, but converter/S4 link is down?

Please let us know the version of EXOS firmware and two outputs might also be useful:
  • show lacp lag 1:26 detail
  • show lacp member-port 1:26 detail
How about lacp-related outputs on S4 side? There might be some reason.

Kind regards,

Contributor II
Thank You, Drew !

I re-posted my question again with slightly different title.
In fact, I was having problems sending the question form.
Beside, many links within new Hub site didn't work, especially those located in my profile.

Regards, Robert