is it possible to filter snmp message from EXOS?
I want to do a snmpbulkwalk to a switch with more than 800 VLAN's. The snmpbulkwalk need more than 5 minutes. This is fatal for my rrd graphs.
Can I dismiss all VLANs (IF-MIB::ifDescr.1000001 ... >1000000) so that the bulkwalk doesn't get this informations?
@Frank - observium is very helpful but it is only usable if the snmp poller need less than 5 minutes 😕
@ James - thank you very much for this notice. I will try this tool asap.
Ah, Observium  I've played with that as well - and yes, it seems to want to query *EVERYTHING* on the devices, and I have noticed it takes a while on its queries. I may have to revisit that, but that might take me a bit, as I'm not using it actively in production.