I cannot find anything interesting in the log files, no mention to openflow disconnection events. From ODL side, I can see the following exception:
2017-07-13 04:38:50,495 | WARN | entLoopGroup-5-6 | OFFrameDecoder | 265 - org.opendaylight.openflowjava.openflow-protocol-impl - 0.8.4.SNAPSHOT | Unexpected exception from downstream.
io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: syscall:read(..) failed: Connection reset by peer
at io.netty.channel.unix.FileDescriptor.readAddress(..)(Unknown Source)
2017-07-13 04:38:50,496 | WARN | entLoopGroup-5-6 | OFFrameDecoder | 265 - org.opendaylight.openflowjava.openflow-protocol-impl - 0.8.4.SNAPSHOT | Closing connection.
2017-07-13 04:38:50,496 | INFO | entLoopGroup-5-6 | SystemNotificationsListenerImpl | 274 - org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.impl - 0.3.4.SNAPSHOT | ConnectionEvent: Connection closed by device, Device:/, NodeId:openflow:19706488169
According to the above log, it seems the device is closing the connection.
Every since the switch is sending a OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST message and the controller is quickly answering with OFPT_ECHO_REPLY. After this message exchange, the connection goes down.
Any thoughts?
thank you