Looked into this a little further.
Have ezspantree running on a number of other switches, of which some are not reporting the log messages. It seems to be anything running is not doing it, and versions & are - although that is not an absolute.
The logs are like these:
08/05/2022 10:10:11.06 <Info:cli.logLocalCmd> Slot-1: clearflow ezspantree: debug cfgmgr show next vlan.vlanMap vlanList=None vlanId=None
08/05/2022 10:10:11.05 <Info:cli.logLocalCmd> Slot-1: clearflow ezspantree: debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_vlan_stats stpd_name=None search_dir=3 vlan_name=None
08/05/2022 10:10:11.04 <Info:cli.logLocalCmd> Slot-1: clearflow ezspantree: debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_vlan_stats stpd_name=None search_dir=2 vlan_name=None
08/05/2022 10:10:11.04 <Info:cli.logLocalCmd> Slot-1: clearflow ezspantree: debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_vlan_stats stpd_name=None search_dir=1 vlan_name=None
08/05/2022 10:10:11.02 <Info:cli.logLocalCmd> Slot-1: clearflow ezspantree: debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_vlan_stats stpd_name=s0 search_dir=3 vlan_name=None
So have created a cli config entry as follows:
configure log filter "DefaultFilter" add exclude events "cli.logLocalCmd" match string "clearflow ezspantree"
configure log filter "DefaultFilter" add exclude events "cli.logLocalCmd" match string "debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_vlan_stats"
configure log filter "DefaultFilter" add exclude events "cli.logLocalCmd" match string "debug cfgmgr show next vlan.vlanMap"
configure log filter "DefaultFilter" add exclude events "cli.logLocalCmd" match string "debug cfgmgr show next stp.stp_domain_enable"
For some reason the first entry matching on "clearflow ezspantree" did not work, so added the extra three lines which has stopped the logging.
When you run the commands it is reporting is just generates a JSON output of each of the VLANs, how ports are in that VLAN etc.
I don't think the logging ezspantree is generating is reporting an issue, rather then just logging commands it is running in the background. It is for this reason I have turned off the specific logging.
Anyway, that gets me to where I need for now but if open to any further comments.