Create Date: Mar 10 2013 1:44PM
As some of you may have seen, the current IPv6 BGP Tablesize is growing quickly currently.
That might give messages in your LOG on the switch stating that it can't download a route into HW LPM. ( HW LPM table full )
In the latest releases (and up), there is a fix to make a change in the distribution of the current hw entries between IPv4 and IPv6 L3 entries.
The command : configure forwarding external-tables l3-only ipv4-and-ipv6 (*reboot required to activate)
This will provide more room for IPv6 prefixes (upto 47.5k routes) by lowering the IPv4 HW LPM to 475k entries.
To state the obvious, you should always have both IPv4 and IPv6 route compression enabled.
enable iproute ipv4 compression
enable iproute ipv6 compression
This will result in a similar route stat (If you have both IPv4 and IPv6 running on BGP on an X480)
sho iproute reserved-entries statistics
|-----In HW Route Table----| |--In HW L3 Hash Table--|
# Used Routes # IPv4 Hosts IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv4
Slot Type IPv4 IPv6 Local Remote Local Rem. Loc. MCast
---- ---------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- -----
1 X480-24x 242489 5794> 41 0 0 0 4 22
sho iproute summary
=================ROUTE SUMMARY=================
Mask distribution:
2 default routes 17 routes at length 8
13 routes at length 9 29 routes at length 10
88 routes at length 11 247 routes at length 12
481 routes at length 13 863 routes at length 14
1554 routes at length 15 12517 routes at length 16
6568 routes at length 17 10920 routes at length 18
21563 routes at length 19 31024 routes at length 20
33172 routes at length 21 45101 routes at length 22
40705 routes at length 23 231077 routes at length 24
81 routes at length 25 75 routes at length 26
74 routes at length 27 85 routes at length 28
75 routes at length 29 158 routes at length 30
159 routes at length 32
Route origin distribution:
436181 IBGP 450 OSPFExt1 1 OSPFInter
8 OSPFIntra 2 Blackhole 3 Static
3 Direct
Total number of routes = 436648
Total number of compressed routes = 194052
For IPv6:
sho bgp rou address-family ipv6-unicast summary
Flags: (*) Preferred BGP route, (>) Active, (d) Suppressed, (h) History
(s) Stale, (m) Multipath, (u) Unfeasible
Origin: (?) Incomplete, (e) EGP, (i) IGP
BGP Route Statistics
Total Rxed Routes : 11667
Feasible Routes : 11667
Active Routes : 11667
Rejected Routes : 0
Unfeasible Routes : 0
Advertised Routes : 5
Route Statistics on Session Type
Routes from Int Peer: 0
Routes from Ext Peer: 11667
For IPv4 :
sho bgp rou sum
Flags: (*) Preferred BGP route, (>) Active, (d) Suppressed, (h) History
(s) Stale, (m) Multipath, (u) Unfeasible
Origin: (?) Incomplete, (e) EGP, (i) IGP
BGP Route Statistics
Total Rxed Routes : 489325
Feasible Routes : 489325
Active Routes : 436125
Rejected Routes : 0
Unfeasible Routes : 0
Advertised Routes : 48
Route Statistics on Session Type
Routes from Int Peer: 489325
Routes from Ext Peer: 0
Erik Bais
A2B Internet
(from Erik_Bais)