Just found an article from Juniper.net, http://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos13.3/topics/concept/ip-directed-broadcast-ex-series.html which details the mechanics of IP Directed Broadcast from a remote administration task (such as a backup server) to the hosts in a specified subnet. We have several servers north of the RSTP VLAN in a firewalled DMZ, that handle backup and patch management tasks for the workstations in the subject subnet. So, perhaps the root and backup root switches are forwarding the remote IP Directed Broadcasts as ARP requests for Who has x.x.255.255 in the subject subnet? How best to check / confirm this? Mirror the suspect interfaces to the Wireshark PC interface, perhaps and collect and analyze traces?
I will check on the parallel patch cords next week WPL; it's weekend her now. Just a side query please, what is the probable cause or reason for an ARP request from the root and backup root switches for an IP address that is actually the subnet mask for our RSTP VLAN, and on a regular or periodic basis? Will all hosts in the subnet respond to these broadcasts? The Wireshark trace captured only broadcasts and unicasts to and from the PC running Wireshark. Thanks.