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Getting a possibly spurious error message with the EXOS VM

Getting a possibly spurious error message with the EXOS VM

New Contributor II
I'm not sure if this is something to be concerned about, but after installing the exospc-16.x.x.x.iso files as both Qemu (2.5.0) and Virtualbox (5.0.4) VMs, I've noticed a coreDumpWrite message occurs during boot, every time:


The boot process continues normally, and I can login just fine. I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to really "kick the tires" on the VMs, to see if something doesn't work like it did with the old 15.x .vmdk file from the xkit site. I'm just curious if this is something I should be worried about, or if I can just safely ignore it. I installed the Qemu VM with instructions I found in another thread here on the Hub, and I installed the Virtualbox VM using the document found on the Github repo.



BTW, this occurs with and I haven't checked to see if it happens with the or files

*EDIT 2*

Message also occurs with I accidently deleted, and it's been pulled from Github, so it's probably for the best, anyways.

Extreme Employee
Andrew, no problem there.

By default, EXOS is configured to save core dumps to internal memory (a flash card), which is not present in the VM, hence the error.

If this was a physical switch, you'd have a problem with the flash card...

Valued Contributor III
I believe this one is safe to ignore, but it's something that I think should be fixed. I'll use this post as my motivation to investigate and have a bug report written (if one doesn't exist) so it can be fixed.
Thanks for testing on a handful of versions! I'll try to figure out where it started - should help the devs figure out who broke it 🙂