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high CPU in X450 switch

high CPU in X450 switch

New Contributor
Hi everybody

we have X450 switch in our network is facing high CPU in the following process:

1- ./hal

2- ./FDB

3- bcmRX

also when I ping to the IP of the switch I noted the bcmRX process increase

I need to Know if this normal?

Mem: 246820K used, 7816K free, 0K shrd, 32580K buff, 72532K cached

CPU: 0.0% usr 100% sys 0.0% nic 0.0% idle 0.0% io 0.0% irq 0.0% sirq

Load average: 4.11 4.11 4.08 3/182 2021


1433 1 root S 3316 1.3 0 26.3 ./fdb

1405 1 root S < 11140 4.3 0 21.0 ./hal

1261 2 root SW 0 0.0 0 21.0 [bcmRX]

2021 2020 root R 780 0.3 0 15.7 top -d 3

1474 1 root S 1920 0.7 0 5.2 ./bfd

1407 1 root S 1596 0.6 0 5.2 ./nodemgr

1506 1505 root S 764 0.3 0 5.2 ./telnetd -e

1409 1 root S 31584 12.3 0 0.0 ./cliMaster

1415 1 root S 5456 2.1 0 0.0 ./snmpSubagent

1536 1 root S 4688 1.8 0 0.0 ./xmld

1561 1 root S 3964 1.5 0 0.0 ./idMgr

1514 1 root S 3920 1.5 0 0.0 ./etmon

1401 1 root S 3732 1.4 0 0.0 ./emsServer

1472 1 root S 3464 1.3 0 0.0 ./mcmgr

1413 1 root S 3292 1.2 0 0.0 ./snmpMaster

1423 1 root S 3288 1.2 0 0.0 ./vlan

1492 1 root S 3076 1.2 0 0.0 ./pim

1466 1 root S 2916 1.1 0 0.0 ./rtmgr update

1411 1 root S 2848 1.1 0 0.0 ./cfgmgr

1501 1 root S 2688 1.0 0 0.0 ./netTools

1499 1 root S 2640 1.0 0 0.0 ./acl




New Contributor
Hi everybody

Thanks for your support ,

Just for your information when I typing the command “ top” without press number 1 I see the CUP is normal but with press number 1 I see the CPU is high can somebody tell me why ?

Also I typed the command L2stat and i found 5 Vlans are copy a lot of packets to CPU after that I used ELRP to detect any loop in those Vlans but there is no any loop there .

Bridge interface on VLAN MW_MGMT_3511:
Total number of packets to CPU = 4628.
Total number of packets learned = 882939.
Total number of IGMP control packets snooped = 11364.
Total number of IGMP data packets switched = 104.
Total number of MLD control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of MLD data packets switched = 0.

Bridge interface on VLAN MW_MGMT_501:
Total number of packets to CPU = 3482.
Total number of packets learned = 39523.
Total number of IGMP control packets snooped = 21646.
Total number of IGMP data packets switched = 1094.
Total number of MLD control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of MLD data packets switched = 0.

Bridge interface on VLAN KAEFER_Yanbu_L2VPN_HO:
Total number of packets to CPU = 149768.
Total number of packets learned = 391638.
Total number of IGMP control packets snooped = 23648.
Total number of IGMP data packets switched = 2854.
Total number of MLD control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of MLD data packets switched = 0.

Bridge interface on VLAN SGS_DIA:
Total number of packets to CPU = 3760.
Total number of packets learned = 2209.
Total number of IGMP control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of IGMP data packets switched = 0.
Total number of MLD control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of MLD data packets switched = 0.

Bridge interface on VLAN STS_2Mbps-DIA:
Total number of packets to CPU = 5499.
Total number of packets learned = 18835.
Total number of IGMP control packets snooped = 129.
Total number of IGMP data packets switched = 56.
Total number of MLD control packets snooped = 0.
Total number of MLD data packets switched = 0.

* JUB_020.21 # configure elrp-client one-shot "MW_MGMT_3511" ports all print-and-log

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "MW_MGMT_3511" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)

* JUB_020.22 # configure elrp-client one-shot "MW_MGMT_501" ports all print-and-log

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "MW_MGMT_501" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)

* JUB_020.20 # configure elrp-client one-shot "KAEFER_Yanbu_L2VPN_HO" ports all print-and-log

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "KAEFER_Yanbu_L2VPN_HO" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)

* JUB_020.23 # configure elrp-client one-shot "SGS_DIA" ports all print-and-log

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "SGS_DIA" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)

* JUB_020.24 # configure elrp-client one-shot "STS_2Mbps-DIA" ports all print-and-log

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "STS_2Mbps-DIA" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)



Extreme Employee
I agree with Patrick, it seems that there may be a loop. The article linked below explains how to determine if there is a loop, and which ports it is on.


Extreme Employee
Hi Hasan,
As Patrick stated, there is a possibility of a loop.
the process FDB would consume high CPU when there is too much learning happening in the switch. This is possible at the time of mac-movement.

Share the following output:

show log counters fdb occurred.

Extreme Employee
Its hard to tell just form this but you might have a loop on the network. I would suggest opening a case with GTAC to have this investigated further.