Thank you, I tried both of these.
This link I learned about GNS3 and VMWRE ESXI. It works but it a pain in the butt to setup and it very buggy. My configuration work one day and the next they did not. Frustrating when you are new to extreme equipment and new to networking. It makes you doubt yourself. You think you understand because you got to work one day and then the next day it does not. I still have GNS3 on VMWARE setup but it’s frustrating to work with.
This link I used and still have it up and running. I use it just to learn what commands it has but other than that can’t find any other uses.
That is why I posted the question. I find the youtube video very interesting but how to you setup a lab that can test VLAN routing, LAN connectivity, WAN connectivity. With the you tube video your PC that the vitural box software is installed on, only has one NIC card so how can you hook up other devices on the virtual switch. I’m trying to avoid buying physical equipment off of ebay. If that is what I have to do for a lab any e-bay suggestions.