10-06-2016 12:44 PM
03-17-2021 07:15 PM
If you use disable sharing 1:42 the port config get lost in addition if the switch on the other sites is running you can create a loop in some situations. Therefore disable ALL ports in the sharing first.
The better way is to remove single ports with
configure sharing 1:42 delete port 2:22,2:23
03-17-2021 11:21 AM
Can we use below CLI to remove port 2:22 ,2:23 from live sharing port 1:42 . what could be the impact?
Current config :
enable sharing 1:42 grouping 1:42-43, 2:19-23 algorithm address-based L3_L4 lacp
1:42 1:42 LACP L3_L4 1:42 Y A 0
L3_L4 1:43 Y A 0
L3_L4 2:19 Y A 0
L3_L4 2:20 Y A 0
L3_L4 2:21 Y A 0
L3_L4 2:22 Y A 0
L3_L4 2:23 Y A 0
CLI using to remove port:
disable sharing 1:42
enable sharing 1:42 grouping 2:19-21 algorithm address-based L3_L4 lacp
disable port 2:22-23
Rakesh Asthana
03-17-2021 11:19 AM
10-06-2016 01:22 PM