02-18-2020 06:05 AM
My configuration is
configure iparp vr VR-Default <MAC add>.
My requirement is
If I change the IP address of that particular device. It should not work means it should not PING.
How do I do that? I only want to allow particular IP from particular MAC address.
02-27-2020 01:19 PM
You might be able to use access lists for this. The logic
if ethernet-source-address 00:01:02:03:04:00 and source-address then permit else deny. Play with policies.
What are you hoping to achieve as there may be a better way to look at it. Would it be enough to pin an IP address to a specific MAC within DHCP, or to hard set the host and exclude the address from DHCP scope?
02-22-2020 04:15 AM
My requirement is, I only want to allow only one IP address for one MAC. If I change IP for that particular MAC it should not PING.
02-20-2020 04:50 PM
Hello do you know the ip address you want to not allow to ping? You are going to have to go into the Dhcp server and exclude it.