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IPV6 broadcast storm, on an IPV4 network

IPV6 broadcast storm, on an IPV4 network

We have a number of printers that by default have IPV6 configured though not used. ( not supported by me )
These printers are also connected to an IPV4 vlan where the IP address is allocated via DHCP and routed at a distribution switch X460.

Recently we had a issue with only the printers on the network , other devices on the same network , were able to operate and use the dhcp service and access the internet.

Only these printers would not work , if we connected a laptop to the switch port or disconnected the printer and used that port , the laptop would operate as expected.

We are being informed by the printer manufacturer that the issue we are seeing is that the Printer is creating an IPV6 broadcast storm , which I could understand , though my question is :

Would this not present itself the same as an IPV4 broadcast storm , CPU BCMrx high , vlan unresponsive etc?

This might be a IPV6 multicast issue as well ..

I.E the IPV4 network would also be effected .. which it was not.

I look forward to any comments and or suggestions .


Hi, the fix for the root cause is to update the Intel nic drivers on the affected machines.

Contributor II
You could write an ACL (EXOS) or policy (EOS&EXOS) to drop any IPv6 packets at the edge ports by filtering on the IPv6 Ethertype of 0x86DD.

But this is a problem with the client devices (desktop systems in the recent case, printers in the older one) that should be addresses there.

BTW, since IPv6 uses multicast, non-IPv6 devices are usually less affected by misbehaving end systems than was (still is) the case with IPv4.

New Contributor
Hello All,

Did you guys find solution for above problem as i am facing same issue on my network now. I captured packets from Wire shark software and found 5 desktop systems in my network who are broadcasting IPv6 packets in network. Right now i am disabling IPv6 TCP/IP option in those desktop systems lets see what will happen!!!

Extreme Employee
Hello Rod,

Yours wont be the last time the community runs across this or related behavior.

Pain for your network will become a signpost in another troubleshoot. This forum is searchable from google - I'll also add a knowledge base doc.

First time I've personally heard about this sort of issue and isolated printer device-type behavior. On the other hand I learn networking on this forum daily.

Thank you for taking a minute to follow up.

Best regards,
