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is there easier way to configure trunk port in extreme switch

is there easier way to configure trunk port in extreme switch

New Contributor
I'm just starting to use extreme switch, and the switch type is X450a-48t, and SW version is when I configure the trunk port in the switch, i found that it's not convenient as Cisco Switch I used before. for example, if you configure trunk port,

in extreme switch:
create vlan tag_test
config vlan tag_test tag 100
config vlan tag_test add port 2 tagged

in cisco switch:
interface gi-0/2
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1,100

if the vlans i want to tag to port is few, then i think this way is acceptable, but if there are many vlans which need to be tagged, then how should i perform it? for example, i want vlan 1-100 tagged in port 2, in cisco switch, it's very easy to realize by switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1-100. but in extreme switch, should i create 100 vlans one by one and add to port 2? is it inconvenient? but i'm newbie for the extreme, so maybe there is easier way to create trunk port which i don't know. who can help me about it? thanks in advance.

best regards.


Extreme Employee
Hello Wang

I added another simple script to the one I had there before. This works similar but it just takes a range of VLANs and makes them tagged on the port.

For example lets say you have 30 VLANs and they start with VID 1 and go to VID 30 and you want to add VLANs with VID 10-20 to a trunk port. Use this script

load script In the case of the example it would be load script trunk_range 1 10 20

the script takes the range of 10-20 looks at those VLANs and adds port 1 to them tagged. To remove enter the same command and finish with an 'r' load script trunk_range 1 10 20 r

I created and tested this using 15.6 code

Use the dropbox link in earlier post and grab the script trunk_range.xsf

Let me know if it helps

Extreme Employee
Hey Wang

you can probably manipulate the script to accept the variable of the range of VIDs when you load the script and then use that range as a counter for a do while to add the port to those VLANs Tagged.

Let me see if I can come up with something and I will post. Not sure of the time frame may be today or this week.


Honored Contributor
Here a link to a post that includes a scripting guide....

New Contributor
hi Paul,
if possible, could you please tell me where i can find some material about how to write script in XOS?

best regards.