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Limiting inbound BGP routes

Limiting inbound BGP routes

Contributor II

I'm multihomed with several upstream providers over two 480s and get full BGP routes from them. Both 480s are connected to two "core" 8806s that then connect to a bunch of 460s.
The 8806s are the default routers for all of our customers' public IP ranges.

I want to at least "pre-sort" Internet-bound traffic on the 8806s, so that they send the traffic to the right 480, so the 8806s are BGP neighbors to the 480s.

Now, the 8806s with the cards I have aren't necessarily designed to handle full BGP routes in fastpath, so I probably should somehow limit the BGP routes they receive from the 480s. My idea here was to only accept routes to networks that are a /16 or bigger (I may have to adjust the size). That way, I think, I at least pre-sort some of the traffic to the right outbound router, understanding that some traffic will still go from router1 to router2 out to the Internet - and as last resort, there's always the default route 😉

If I use the following policy inbound on the 8806s, would that properly limit my BGP routes on the 8806s to "only blocks from a /0 to /16" (or rather: denying /17 and larger masks, allowing the rest)? And yes, I'd play a similar game with ipv6.

Will the policy work as expected? Is there a better way?

configure bgp neigh route-policy in NoSmallBlocks

File: NoSmallBlocks.pol

entry DenySmallBlocks {
if match any {
nlri any/17;
nlri any-ipv6/33;
} then { deny; }
entry AllowRest {
if {
} then { allow; }

Thanks for all your help!

Extreme Employee
You may create a default route from bd8K to X480,then you can configure max prefix to X480 peer.
Check the h/w limit of BD8K & also check for both BGP4 & BGP6 max supported unique & non-unique routes.
Then configure max prefix for IPV4 & IPV6 peers.

Extreme Employee

One of the cool thing with Extreme, is that you can have VM to test. I believe you can have the VM from xKit, otherwise ask your local team.

Your policy will match traffic with a mask of /17 or longer (for IPv4). You cannot mix IPv4 with IPv6, so you'd need to have a separate policy for IPv6.

I'd replace the "allow" term by "permit".

"if" alone should default to "if match all", so a logical AND between your various match conditions, while "if match any" is a logical OR. Of course, with only one match condition, it doesn't really matter.

You can experiment all of this (BGP, routing policies, etc) with the VM, on your laptop, without the fear to make a mistake.

I believe everything that is "control plane" related is working just fine with VM, but when it comes to the data plane, not every features has been software-emulated. So you might experience issues with some features while it would work fine on real switches (VPLS is one example). The VMs are free, this is not a product, just a training tool. But a very good one, I use them everyday.

In my experience, BGP and Routing Policies work great.

Of course, you're right. "permit" is the word. That would've taken me eons to find!
Also "if match" needs to be just an "if"

And thanks for the VM tip. I wasn't aware of the xkit website and all its goodies (like the Android client). Gottago-gottaplay 🙂

And now off to testing this mess 😉