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Multicast routing between VRF's

Multicast routing between VRF's

New Contributor

I wondering if it's possible to route incoming multicast from one VR to another VR in the same machine?

The reason is that I want to isolate a PIM domain for our IPTV customers from our core network. A simple solution would be to do a loop in the switch and push all traffic over that link, but that's cheating 😉

Would be thankful for some insight and maybe configuration samples.

With regards

New Contributor II
Well I would like to have same thing with our network.
The main core runs with MPLS but the PIM are doing the same work in the same OSPF area..
I would like to create VR's and run the multicast separately.

New Contributor II
Not trying to high jack this post, but have a similar issue. i have a 460 with pim sparse to a external RP off my network. i pull 324 multicast via this sparse vlan. the rest of my network is currently dense, working as it is , i want to convert my entire network from dense to all sparse. which will cause me to have a different RP on my own network. could i use this same inter-VR solution to pass multicast from my current sparse VR to a new separate VR sparse ring? i was kind of thinking of using MSDP. thanks in advance,

Extreme Employee
Hey Mattias

I understand the business requirement but even unicast route leaking is a non-trivial task. Inter-vrf routing has always confused me. Take

My rule of thumb for multicast: the simplest solution that solves the problem is generally the right solution. PIM troubleshooting causes heartburn for many a network admin.

I am glad there's a workaround in this case - that always makes the conversation easier. And I'm always happy to see folks coming to the HUB community with these sorts of questions. It's a time saver and maybe saves you a call to support. And of course we welcome the discussion. Ultimately its customer requirements that decide direction - so we need to hear it.

I'm not saying its hip or elegant, but life is much easier with a five inch cat5 cable handling the tricky business.

Best regards,


Extreme Employee
Hi Mattias,

You can find more details about the information provided by Stephen in the article below:

Routing configuration between VRs