10-23-2019 02:30 PM
I have a multiple VR sceanario where the routing is provided by an External Palo alto firewall.
BAsic ospf etc works a treat.
The RV point is within VR_default on the core and I have a stream coming from a vlan in VR servers , through 2 ospf connected point to point networks ( distribution to core to FW )
The 3 vlans are all configure for MOP , and the firewall automatically learnt the RV
When I look at the server switch I can see the multicast stream
Sh igmp snooping PSERVER age 0
When I look at the P2P uplink I would expect to see some indication
Sh igmp snooping < uplink vlan >
The output is : sender 1 incomming stream Sender ( which is the other end of the correct point to point link ( )
So we are on the same switch looking a two different vlans with MOP configured , I would expect that my uplink vlan , should display the MCast stream 229.111,112,12 , and I should be able to trace it all the way through the interlinks to the firewall ..
What commands are suggested to further advance my issue