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New 5320 switches VR-Mgmt missing?

New 5320 switches VR-Mgmt missing?

New Contributor
We just unpacked some of our new 5320s, and as part of our configuration, we set the IP for the Mgmt VLAN.  However VR-Mgmt (and therefore VLAN Mgmt) is missing...
9oEnaNcjTLdJvZcbR8NE_Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12.54.00 PM.png

And found this in the log on boot:
qL0tMl4QPScxTJ90NihH_Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 1.13.55 PM.png

The screenshots above are from a straight out of the box switch, hence the Software Upgrade Required message, but we've also updated a stack to and still the same.

We're obviously probably doing something wrong or missing something, but can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance

Extreme Employee
Hi Aaron,

It looks to be referencing managment from a "console/key stroke" perspective:

There is also a USB 2.0 Type A port. It can be used for a Bluetooth dongle or for attaching a removable
memory module.

Chris Thompson

New Contributor

Docs are loading. Whew  

So the process is just to create a user managed VR/VLAN and assign it to one of the ports.

I’ll have to dig through the docs then about the management capabilities of the usb port. 

but thanks again

New Contributor

Wow...that'll teach me to look at the forest (the actual switch) vs the leaves (EXOS).

I'll be heading in in a bit to look at it, but a couple things:
  • for some reason, the documentation links aren't loading for me - tested from home and VPN'd in at work (and fwiw, isitup(dot)org and isitdownrightnow(dot)com are showing it down as well) - are you able to send a screenshot of the process?
  • the tech specs do mention that the USB-A can be used for Management or for external flash
ufbgmS1rQi6xRNRZ9uSA_Screen Shot 2022-07-28 at 7.18.56 AM.pngI suppose maybe the process for enabling VR-Mgmt is related to that?

Or i can just be patient and stop working at home and just wait for the docs page to load. Curiosity though...

Either way, thanks so much.


Extreme Employee

Hi Aaron,

It does not have a dedicated management port however you can create your own using a front facing port using the process below:

Chris Thompson