Hey Team -
I'm new to the Gtack Community, and new to Extreme all together. I apologies if these are dumb questions
1st - How/Or would be the best way to get Extreme Certified
- I work for an Audio/Visual Company, but things are starting to move more and more to networking. I done some basic network configs (Stacked 220 Series, and configured for IGMP v2 and QoS) but that's pretty much as far as i gone. I want to learn more about the Summit Switches as they provide more power for bigger jobs
2nd - Every time i need firmware do i need to create a case?
- I'm trying to get EXOS (patch 1-5) as this is the recommend firmware to run on my X440 Switch when support AVB (Auido Video Bridging) devices, but i can't just donwload it i need to create a case first
3rd - Does Gatck Community have a location or group for AV Integrated that are "dumb" when it comes to network. I can understand feeling of someone who has little knowledge in a area asking for help and i don't want to ask in the wrong location
Thanks again!