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Ping works only one-way to host in VM virtualbox

Ping works only one-way to host in VM virtualbox

New Contributor
I am running EXOS VM's in Oracle VirtualBox.

I have a topology in this order: host1-sw1-sw2-host2.

I can ping from host2 to host1, but when I try to ping host1 to host2 the ping fails. I can't ping host2 from sw2 either. Here is snapshot of host1 and sw1:


Here is a snapshot of sw2 and host2:


Switch 1 and 2 are connected through OSPF.
What is the correct way to connect hosts in virtualized network?

I know there is no route to host from, but it still reaches network, shouldn't it reach to the host also?


- Petteri

Extreme Employee

Since you are doing complex labs, you may be interested in using all 8 adapters available in the EXOS VM.

Only the first 4 adapters can be managed throgh the GUI. The remaining 4 adapters (corresponding to ports 4 to 7 in the switch) must be configured using vboxmanage.

Here's the list of commands needed to enable and configure these adapters:
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --nicX bridged | intnet (to definer adapter X as Bridged or Internal Network)
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --intnetX (to define the name of the internal network connected to adapter 😵
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --nictypeX Am79C973 (to define the adapter’s nic type as PCnet-FAST III)
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --nicpromiscX allow-all (to configure adapter X promiscuous mode)
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --cableconnectedX on |off (to configure adapter X cable connected status)
  • vboxmanage modifyvm --macaddressX (to configure adapter X MAC address)
So, if you want to configure Adapter 5 of a VM named sw1 so that it connects to link15 the commands would be:
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --nic5 intnet
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --intnet5 link15
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --nictype5 Am79C973
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --nicpromisc5 allow-all
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --cableconnected5 on
vboxmanage modifyvm sw1 --macaddress5 00:11:22:33:44:55:66

Additional adapters configured through the CLI will appear in the GUI, but you will not be able to configure them or view detailed information.


To get detailed information about these adapters you'll need to use

vboxmanage showvminfo

Vboxmanage is very useful if you plan to write scripts to automate tasks...

New Contributor
OKAY I must've have a typo somewhere, because now the hosts can actually reach each other when I use switches as hosts.

But some reason windows-hosts cannot. There must be problem with the windows then!

It was windows firewall in the VM! Now everything works!

Valued Contributor III
I should also ask if the Windows firewall is causing your woes. Have you checked to make sure it is either off or is allowing ICMP/Ping?