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Prevent SSH response on VR-Default

Prevent SSH response on VR-Default

New Contributor III

I have an X460-G2 on firmware

I want SSH access to only be available from VR-Mgmt, so I have configured as follows:
enable ssh2 vr VR-Mgmt

If I attempt to SSH to the device using an IP that belongs to VR-Default, while I can’t log in I do get an SSH login prompt. Additionally if I use portqry to probe port 22 the port is returned as ‘listening’. The addresses in question are accessible from the internet so this is not really acceptable from a security standpoint.

I have already disabled SSH and re-enabled specifically specifying VR-Mgmt.

Firstly - how can I prevent all SSH repsonse on VR-Default? Port 22 should not be seen as open.
I do not wish to restrict access to specific IP addresses - it should be allowed from VR-Mgmt and nowhere else.

Secondly - surely this behaviour is a bug and there should be no response on VR-Default? Why would the device respond when SSH is specifically only enabled on VR-Mgmt?


New Contributor III

Thanks @FredrikB - all good points. In this case I am working on a WAN edge switch which just has point to point VLANs to our ISP and our firewall’s WAN interface, and the management VLAN, so we will not be adding more VLANs and we don’t allow inbound or outbound SSH traffic.

Contributor II

The drawback is that when you add the next VLAN in the future and forget to add the policy to that VLAN, you’ll not have the intended protection. In security, always forbid everything and allow only what you explicitly want. I’d rather use an ACL allowing SSH from the management network and then a global ACL to deny it.

Oh, by the way, you just disabled all SSH access THROUGH the switch as well… I guess that’s not what you intended?

I’m pretty sure there’s a better way of doing this but it’s way too late for me to think straight now.


New Contributor III

Thanks for the suggestions - we did not want to go down the route of allowing specific IPs or IP ranges though. As mentioned above, there are only two active VLANs other than the management VLAN, so we have done the following:

create access-list DenySSH " protocol 6 ; destination-port 22 ;" " deny  ;"

configure access-list add DenySSH last vlan VLAN1 ingress
configure access-list add DenySSH last vlan VLAN2 ingress


This seems to have done the job.

I’d be interested to know if there are any potential drawbacks to this approach?



Next thought is that since you and I both mentioned this looks like a bug, open a TAC case and see if it can be resolved.

Or this is not exactly what you wanted to do but seems like a good work around since it sounded like the internet was your primary concern.

entry AllowTheseSubnets {
if match any {
source-address /24;
source-address /24;
} then {


  1. Write and quit the CLI editor by pressing the escape key and typing ":wq"
  2. Apply the access profile. "configure ssh2 access-profile <POLICY_NAME>"