I'm quite new to XMC and Extreme in general and I'm trying to script that certain commands get send to switches when an AP gets connected/disconnected to it. For that purpose I'm using a notification and that triggers a workflow.
Inside that workflow I'm trying to get the information I need to determine which commands I need to send to the switch. So for instance, I need to get 'show ports 1 info' so I can remove certain VLANs, so I need the show ports 1 info in a usable format.
I got this working in my workflow with a http POST request aimed at URL
and body {"method":"cli","id":"10","jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["show ports 1 info"]}
(all found in this doc:
https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/app_notes/MMI/121152_MMI_Application_Release_Notes.pdf) but had to use a static ip address.
My first question is: could I use a dynamic ip adress in the http activity input? as http://ipaddress/jsonrpc/ because I couldn't get it to work.
What I tried after that was script this POST request in Python (using the requests library) so I can dynamically use an IP adress and advance with the data I would get with the response. But I can't get that to work as my authentication seems invalid (I used basic admin-password authentication)..
Now my second question is: which parameters do I have to give the POST to be able to get the information that I need and how can I get the authentication to work?
Hope this is clear,
Thanks in advance.