A guide will be posted soon here. It'll give a brief introduction to python, how you can use the scripting capability with EXOS, and some other features we are introducing in 15.7 (you sense the teasing here ;)).
In the meantime, I'd encourage you to start learning Python 2.7 and the standard library. That's very easy and powerful. There're so many books, article, it's difficult to point to one specific.
With EXOS 15.6, you can use exsh library to interact with EXOS.
import exsh
exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=False, xml=False, args=None)
cmd is a valid EXOS CLI cmd.
capture can be True or False, if True it will return the command output in text.
xml can be True or False. if True it will return the command output in xml.
args are whatever parameter needed for the command
I'll see how we can manage to share on a specific space some little scripts for learning purposes.
So stay tuned for the Guide, it's coming.