Create Date: Oct 29 2012 4:11AM
Hello All,
I was hoping someone could help me with getting SNMPv3 setup. We are using Epicenter 7.0 (with SSH module) and I am trying to get SNMPv3 working. I have a Summit X460 stack setup with the SSH module installed. Here is what I am trying to do:
1. I want to disable using the default SNMP users, community and groups (SNMPv1, 2c and 3). I dont want the default public,private,initial groups to be used.
2. I want to define a new access, new group, new user, new community.
3. I want to setup SNMPv3 with AES256 and SHA1 (authpriv - USM).
I referred to the concepts guide and managed to get this setup (or so i thought). I setup a new target address and params as well. Now on Epicenter, I went to the modify comms settings for the stack and setup SNMP - all options given (password, authentication, cbs-des) etc. However it doesnt seem to be working. After configuring this in epicenter, i tried updating the stack to initiate a sync. it didnt work out.
to restore monitoring, i re-enabled snmpv1 and set that up. it worked like a charm. i appear to be missing a trick here. any help please. tks. (from Anush_Santhanam)