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Switch Stacking Downtime?

Switch Stacking Downtime?

New Contributor
I have 2 X440s in a stack at the moment, I am adding another x440 to the stack. If i break one of the stacking cables to connect to the 3rd switch, will the stack go down? I am trying to add this stack during production time and if the switches/stack goes down, its a major issue. We are trying to avoid any disruption of network traffic, so wondering if I can break the stack and still keep things active. I have 2 stacking cables between my two switches at the moment.

Extreme Employee
Hi Tyler, you can use the command "show stacking":


Slot-1 Stack.44 # show stacking
Stack Topology is a Ring
Active Topology is a Ring
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags

You can also check the stack-port status with the command "show stacking stack-ports".

New Contributor
Thanks for the reply. How do I know if the stack is set up as a ring?

Extreme Employee
Hey Tyler

No the traffic for the stack should not be affected if you have the stacking set up as a ring. The traffic will automatically switch to the other link similar to using a LAG connection

I would also recommend setting upt he stack for redundant management in case the master goes down the stack will stay up. Assuming that there are multiple connections from the stack to the rest of the network.

Remember make sure that the new switch has the same SW code as the other switches in the stack and make sure it is in the same location, either primary or secondary, whatever is on the other switches.

Good luck.