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Syslog Facilities

Syslog Facilities

New Contributor
I am configuring syslog on an X440G2. I don't understand what facilities are. From what I understand, they are different levels of information such as Errors, Critical, Warning, Informative. But I can't find any documentation that says what each local stands for. All the documentation just uses on or the other, but never explains what they are. Can anyone provide insight?

Valued Contributor III
Great question and great answers! I believe we can write up a GTAC Knowledge article on this topic.

Extreme Employee
Hi, I think you want to read that:

Yes, that's correct.

Another reason for having configurable syslog facilities is to integrate a new switch into an existing setup that already chose one of the localX facilities.

Okay, so it doesn't matter what I choose at the switch level? It is just a matter of grouping logs from "these" switches into one group, and "those" switches into another group, but at the log server level?