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Transfer between two endhosts in 1 Gb NIC

Transfer between two endhosts in 1 Gb NIC

New Contributor II
Hello jedis, i did a test between two end hosts connected to a switch extreme a summit 460-24p, so the both hosts negotiated with the switch a speed of 1G but the transfer between the two hosts it's about 40MB, it's that ok?
Also i put it the speed in manual mode, but give the same 40MB, so i want to know if that is the normal behavior between two windows hosts connected to the same switch and a uplink connected to the network
if i detect some kind of broadcast o multicast, could this reduce or bandwidth?

New Contributor II
Thanks for your help EtherMAN, and thanks to all of you because, now i understand the speed is not factor of the wire spees, it's about protocol and gear also
Thanks for your help and time
Best Regards

Contributor III
FC will have to be converted to IP /ethernet to us across your LAN or WAN. I would guess since you are getting 40 MB from your server/PC then it is the bottleneck and not the network nor the protocol you are using as transport. To achieve high transfer rates you must have high performance gear from server to server or NAS to server or SAN to server. For pure transfer speeds it helps a bit to increase the MDU size to jumbo (9216) but you have to do this on the NIC cards too.. I deal with huge clients in the network and what you are running into is very common as very few folks understand how many things effect the transfer speed of large files and as usual the network is the easiest target but many times is not the root of the problem. The switches are wire speed which means till you see interface RX and TX running at 100% then you have network resources left and are not the weak link... If RX on one side was 100 % and TX on the other side was 85 % then you would need to dig into your network and figure out where you were congested.

New Contributor II
I did the test, but give me the same result, so i read the the articule from and i understand the whereabouts about the network speed in ethernet, so i have a backup to respond to my boss, thanks a lot Drew!
But i have a new interrogant, i don't ever use FC or FCoE, what's about the speed of those protocols? what's is the average?

Thanks for all your help!

Best Regards

Valued Contributor III
Sounds about right, Sebastian. Take a look at this article I found: