Hi Sivuyile,
I'm considering the diagram and configuration as follows (since the ping is on the same vlan, you don't need to add route or enable ipforwarding. Unless you want to communicate across vlans):

Core sw
create vlan mangr tag 901
configure mangr add ports 48 tag
configure mangr add ports 2 untagged
configure mangr ipaddress
create vlan mangr tag 901
configure mangr add ports 48 tag
configure mangr add ports 2 untagged
configure mangr ipaddress
If you can ping from PC to the switch, you should check the uplink status.
- show port 48 configuration no-refresh <= Check if the port is up and using correct negotiation parameters
- show fdb vlan mangr <= Check if the neighbor MAC address is listed. You can confirm the switch MAC address using the command "show switch"
Also, please share the switch model and EXOS version.