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Virtual XOS killing ESX host CPU

Virtual XOS killing ESX host CPU

New Contributor
After initial install and configuration of the vSummit, VM stays at around 60-100Mhz host CPU usage but after about 3min sitting idle, CPU utilization jumps to 3GHz+ and in many cases maxes out Host CPU resources.

Extreme VM performance becomes sluggish and in many cases CLI freezes.

Tested on multiple hosts in the Datacenter with the same outcome.

No other VMs on the hosts (Linux, Windows, Juniper, Fortinet, Cisco, Checkpoint, Avaya) produce the same issue.

Anyone experienced this behavior and if yes, is there a fix/workaround for it?


Extreme vXOS ver - same issue with earlier releases.
VMWare vSphere 5.5 with latest patches.
CPU: Xeon 3.2GHz E3-v1225 - 4 Cores

Thank you.


Valued Contributor III
Double check your network adapter configs on the server and verify your VLAN config on the switch.
It may be that your tags aren't actually making it to the wire or to the vSwitch. Its been a while since I have used tagged ports on EXOS-VM, so I can't remember if there are any nuances to their function.

New Contributor
OSPF and BGP protocols.

There is more - running ELRP on on vXOS1 and vXOS3 - NO LOOP ever,

On vXOS2:

Starting ELRP Poll . . .
# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "vlan10" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)

2 sec later

Starting ELRP Poll
# LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "vlan10" elrp statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, ingress port 1
. . .

2 sec later:

Starting ELRP Poll
# LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "vlan10" elrp statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, ingress port 2
. . .

Valued Contributor III
What kind of traffic is on vlan-10 ?

New Contributor
Starting ELRP Poll . . .# NO LOOP DETECTED # --- vlan "vlan10" elrp statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, ingress port (nil)