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Vlan configuration

Vlan configuration

Contributor II
Create Date: May 15 2012 10:26AM

Hi there,

My name is Fausto and i am talking from Brazil,and i have some questions.

I have a scenario with one Extreme layer 3 switch and two extreme layer 2

switches.They are connected as following:(l3 and l2 stands for layer3 and layer 2 respectively)

Extreme swl3-------Extreme swl2 1------Extreme swl2 2

I have a vlan 10 on swl2 1 and i have a vlan 20 on Extreme swl2 2.

The Extreme swl3 is configured like that as to vlans(lets suppose the port

12 is the trunk port):

enable ipforwarding
create vlan development
configure vlan development tag 10
configure vlan development add port 12 tag
configure vlan development ipaddress

create vlan HR
configure vlan HR tag 20
configure vlan HR add port 12 tag
configure vlan HR ipaddress

On another point that is "extreme switchl2 1" the configuration is: (let's suppose the port 13 is the trunk):

create vlan development
configure vlan development tag 10
configure vlan development add port 13 tag
configure vlan development add port 1-24 untag

My questions appears on this moment,should i use the following commands to let the vlan HR(Vlan ID 20) pass through the trunk link?I got confuse because this Vlan is not present in this switch but on other layer 2 switch (extreme switchl2 2):

create vlan HR
configure vlan HR tag 20
configure vlan HR add port 13 tag

With these commands the extreme switch would be able to do vlan routing?

(from f_s)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 16 2012 8:03AM

Thank you for the responses friends,

So would i need to create a trunk between Extreme swl2 1 and Extreme swl2 2 too??Or Only a trunk between the Extremesw 3 and extreme swl2 1 is enough?Only the port 13 tagged for VLAN 20 is enough so that routing between both happen?

(from f_s)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 16 2012 7:55AM

Hello Fausto,

Yes, you'll need the L2 Vlan to be configured on your both switches.

Also, be careful to apply the enable ipforwarding after the vlan ipaddress configuration, otherwise it might not be enabled for you.

In case it didn't work, post here more infomation with the ports used on your scenario and we help you on that.



(from Leandro_Brito)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 15 2012 1:24PM

Hello Fausto

Yes if swl2 1 is a pass through for VLAN 20 on swl2-2 then you do need to create that VLAN on swl2 1 and add the ports that go to the swl3 and to swl2 2 to that VLAN Tagged. The VLAN should only have those two ports in it.

Does that help?

P (from Paul_Russo)