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VRRP Master in both BD

VRRP Master in both BD

New Contributor
Hi everybody!

We have a two Blackdiamond and i need create a new intance VRRP, the cli below:

Blackdiamond 1

create vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Ext_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70 priority 130
configure vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70

create vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Server_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70 priority 130
configure vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70

create vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Admin_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70 priority 130
configure vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70

Blackdiamond 2

create vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Ext_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70 priority 120
configure vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70

create vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Server_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70 priority 120
configure vrrp vlan Ext_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Server_F5 vrid 70

create vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70
configure vrrp "Admin_F5" vrid 70 version v2
configure vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70 priority 120
configure vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70 add
enable vrrp vlan Admin_F5 vrid 70

when i enable all vrrp instances, this is result:

TRI_B1_I11_CORE_1.2 # show vrrp VLAN Name VRID Pri Virtual IP Addr State Master Mac Address TP/TR/TV/P/T
SALASER(En) 0002 140 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:02 0 0 0 Y 1
New-Ser(En) 0011 140 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:0b 0 0 0 Y 1
MGMT_FW(En) 0006 140 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:06 0 0 0 Y 1
SOA_SW(En) 0020 200 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:14 0 0 0 Y 1
F5_Serv(En) 0021 200 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:15 0 0 0 Y 1
Ext_F5(En) 0070 130 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1
Server_(En) 0070 130 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1
Admin_F(En) 0070 130 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1

TRI_B1_I11_CORE_BD_2.4 # show vrrp Virtual Master
VLAN Name VRID Pri IP Address State MAC Address TP/TR/TV/P/T
SALASER(En) 0002 130 BKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:02 0 0 0 Y 1
New-Ser(En) 0011 130 BKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:0b 0 0 0 Y 1
MGMT_FW(En) 0006 120 BKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:06 0 0 0 Y 1
SOA_SW(En) 0020 150 BKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:14 0 0 0 Y 1
F5_Serv(En) 0021 150 BKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:15 0 0 0 Y 1
Ext_F5(En) 0070 120 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1
Server_(En) 0070 120 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1
Admin_F(En) 0070 120 MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:46 0 0 0 Y 1

En-Enabled, Ds-Disabled, Pri-Priority, T-Advert Timer, P-Preempt
TP-Tracked Pings, TR-Tracked Routes, TV-Tracked VLANs

the tree vlan Ext_F5 , Server_, Admin_F is master in both core,

please help me!

Extreme Employee
Hi Oscar,

Considering these appear to be different VLANs it would be good to check and see if the L2 path is there. Each instance has to be treated separately and starting with L2 is a good step so we don't end up chasing our tails.

Are these BDs directly connected? or do they go through a switch(es) to get to the BD? A topology might help us look into this.

Extreme Employee
Hi Oscar,

As mentioned by Patrick, you have to check if there is L2 communication between both BDs. If you are using a direct link between the BDs, please check if that port is added to all 3 vlans: Ext_F5, Server_ and Admin_F.

Those 3 vlans must communicate to each other through mcast so they can start the election process. If there is no communication caused by wrong config, acl, etc then both Core switches will take over as Master.

New Contributor
In L2 its fine, i have other instances and works fine. The log not describe a lot, only:

and change status

The VRID 70 in this vlan can to has any issue?

New Contributor III
If you can set up diffrent vrid for each vlan

Extreme Employee
Hi Oscar,

VRRP uses multicast to communicate with its peer. Can you make sure there is a L2 path between both the cores? Basically the intended backup is not receiving the adverts form the intended master so it thinks it is down and comes up as master. The logs on both the cores might help with troubleshooting this as well.