Create Date: Jul 31 2013 9:24AM
hello all.
I have a problem with fans on X440-24t
high temperature switch, but the fans do not rotate.
# sh temperature
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Slot-1 : X440-24t 29.50 Normal -10 0-48 55
Slot-2 : X440-24t 60.00 Error -10 0-48 55
sh fans
FanTray-1 information:
State: Operational
NumFan: 2
Fan-1: Operational at 0 RPM
Fan-2: Operational at 0 RPM
FanTray-2 information:
State: Operational
NumFan: 2
Fan-1: Operational at 0 RPM
Fan-2: Operational at 0 RPM
how to fix it? (from shery)