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X480-48t throughput calculation

X480-48t throughput calculation

New Contributor
Hi all,
I need to know how to calculate throughput of Summit X480-48t switch and difference between throughput and fabric capacity of Extreme switches.
Please guys help me to find that.

Thank you.

Contributor III
Interesting way you worded this. From my experiences and understand pretty much all EXOS switches are "wirespeed" on all ports Extreme did not sell very many switches where you could not run every ports a line rate in both directions all the time in all supported packets sizes. So it would also lead me to believe the backplane fabric capacity would equal or be more than the combined total ports at max usage.

So 24 port switch with one gig ports would have at least a 48 gig backplane or fabric capacity??

So first you would need to know what type of 480 you were using and if there were any daughter cards installed ... If I recall some of the daughter cards were over subscribed on some models

link to specs of switch