Create Date: Apr 29 2013 9:48AM
Hi All,
I'm still a relative newbie with Extreme Networks, having previously been a Cisco and 3Com guy, and there are a few things I'm getting used to still.
I recently discovered that Spanning Tree is disabled by default and I wanted to just ensure that what I have done is correct, and if there are any tips. I have combined STP with ELRP, but I am only using ELRP as a checking & notification mechanism.
So in this example the switch is an edge unit and I am using RSTP. I have found that if I do not add the voice vlan to STPD s0, my phones do not work.
My STP config is as follows...
configure stpd s0 mode dot1w
conf stpd "s0" add vlan "Default" ports all
conf stpd "s0" add vlan "Voice" ports all
Then on the edge ports I have:
configure stpd s0 ports link-type edge
configure stpd s0 ports edge-safeguard enable
I've created loops on edge ports on purpose and after 2 seconds or so the port is blocked and I see the ELRP messages.
One thing I have noticed is that even though I have set STPD s0 to dot1w mode, I still see the ports as dot1d - do I need to manually set this on all ports?
3Coms have MSTP enabled by default (I literally don't have to do anything and STP is running and ports are protected). However MSTP config on XOS seems tricky, so any tips on that front would be appreciated.
Thanks (from networkguy)