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Adding a new node to stack failed - no neighbor

Adding a new node to stack failed - no neighbor

New Contributor
im trying to add a new x440p to an existing x440p stack of 2 devices.
Unfortunaly the stack doesnt see the new member in his list of show stacking.

i have already tried mayn times the steps in the concept guide and enabled switching, set slot number and license level. I have also checked that the same image from the same slot will be loaded.Stacking leds are all green.

But the new device doesnt come up in the stack.

on the new device

* Slot-1 Stack.2 # sh stacki
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Active Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:97:be:09 1 Active Master CA-

On the existing stack

Slot-1 Stack.20 > sh stacking
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Active Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:97:bf:30 1 Active Backup CA-
00:04:96:97:be:0a 2 Active Master CA-

Slot-1 Stack.3 > sh stacki stack
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Slot Port Select Node MAC Address Port State Flags Speed
---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- -----
*1 1 Native 00:04:96:97:bf:30 No Neighbor -- 10G
*1 2 Native 00:04:96:97:bf:30 Operational C- 10G
2 1 Native 00:04:96:97:be:0a Operational C- 10G
2 2 Native 00:04:96:97:be:0a No Neighbor -- 10G


Extreme Employee

Prashanth gave the most likely reason for this "issue".
This is the very typical problem people may face when adding a new node into an existing stack.

When you setup a stack with "easy stacking", the stacking protocol is set to "enhanced". If you add a new member, it will not be with the same protocol and thus you won't be able to add it.

Following Oscar's link is the best way to have no problem when dealing with stacking.

Extreme Employee
The article Oscar posted earlier provides preliminary checks that should be looked at on the switch you are adding.

Before adding a node to the stack the primary and secondary image should match. The running partition should match the stack. The stacking protocol needs to match. If the new node is master-capable the license needs to match as well.

If all this is checked before adding or even replacing a node then the process will be a whole lot easier.

Extreme Employee
You need to run the command "configure stack mac" and then reboot the entire stack. This should remove that message. "synchronize stacking" should also work as well.