03-22-2021 06:54 PM
Hello everybody
Does any one have a suggestion of what specific extreme switches can be a good replacemente for a balck diamon 8810?
actually it has 1 line card with 4 10Gbps fiber ports, 2 line cards with 48 1 Gps copper ports each one, 1 line card with 8 10Gps fiber ports , 1 linecard with 48 1 Gps fiber ports.
thx in advance.
03-22-2021 11:07 PM
How many of those ports are currently in use?
2x X590 as an Core would be fine I think, if the ports are sufficient. (X695 would be an overkill, and X670-G2 is a bit older as already mentioned - but not outdated or near EoL, but stil… :-))
03-22-2021 07:09 PM
Hi Samuel,
No modular EXOS devices available on sale now. If EXOS is more important than modular chassis, I’d go for something like X670-G2 stacked with 3x X460-G2/X440-G2 (X440-G2 is cheaper but brings down stack routing/forwarding tables capacity) or X590 or X695 stacked with 3x X465 (more expensive, but some additional features and newer hardware - EoL naturally expected to occur later). But more precise recommendations should follow your other expectations beyond port type&count.
Hope that helps,