How do you clean up stacking config and port info after a stack member has been removed?
After removing a stack member by logging into the master node - and running "unconfigure stacking" {node address or slot number} then "reboot" {node address or slot number}.
The stack member you chose to remove will reboot and return to factory defaults. However the master node still "thinks" there is a stack member and shows all ports as being present - present and disabled.
The status of the master (in this case originally a 2 stack) when a show "stacking" is run - you see that it has "stacking enabled - master"
Slot-1 SWITCHXX.4 # sh stackingStack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Active Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:82:40:07 1 Active Master CA-