To start, I would TFTP the configuration to a tftp server in case you need things like
port alias, Vlan's, policies mentioned above in step 2 above
The next step is up to you but personally i would run the command,
clear switch member 5
then disconnect the stacking cables(no need to power down
Connect a console to the switch
Login in(basically admin and enter (The switch - unknown to me, may have been a standalone unit and have been configured at one time, so the switch may have saved a few configurations from the past, so i would type dir, then look for any configurations such as
682011.cfg 131173
199-199.July-2016.cfg 16645
The command to use to delete the config 682011.cfg
delete configs/682011.cfg
Then repeat the command for the remaining configuration files.
Please note that if you connect the switch for some reason, the stack may reconfigure the unit