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stacking 460g2 with vim-2x

stacking 460g2 with vim-2x

New Contributor III
I am trying to stack two 460g2 via VIM-2x modules with exos 16.1.3, and have cabled them the VIM modules from S2 to S1 and S2 to S1 and they show link lights but do not form a stack. This works fine on the front panel ports but not the VIM. I noticed I had to run alternate as native mode is not supported on this module. Any thoughts on what I am missing? Thanks

New Contributor III
Thank you Brandon. Based on the difficulties I am experiencing and the document you have provided, I am surmising that stacking is not possible via the VIM-2x with these switches.

That's correct. The 10G X460-G2s can only be stacked via alternate stacking using the front ports (51 & 52).

New Contributor III
Ok tried Native mode to no avail. I do not seem to be able to stack via the VIM-2x module at all. The only successful stacking config that appears to be working, is with Alternate Stacking and the front panel ports 51 & 52. Can ports 53 and 54 be configured on the VIM-2x and be used for stacking? I am beginning to think not since the show stacking-support command only shows ports 51 & 52. Can stacking be performed with the VIM-2x module? If so how is this accomplished? Thanks

Extreme Employee
Looks like I may have misread the initial question. I read it as VIM-2q, not VIM-2x.

The VIM-2x can be used for Alternate stacking with the 1G models of the X460-G2. The 10G X460-G2s use the front panel 10G ports for Alternate stacking. See the following table for which ports to use with which switches: