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what is the best way to reboot an entire stack of 3 switches?

what is the best way to reboot an entire stack of 3 switches?

New Contributor II
I'm assuming that reboot stack-topology will reboot all 3 switches in the stack and have them come back up without changing slots.

Is this true or is there some other way that I should reboot them?

Extreme Employee
There are 2 different purposes/concepts for "reboot" and "reboot stack-topology" commands.

When you use "reboot" command on master node it will reboot all units in the Active Topology. That means only stacking members working and running will be rebooted.

However, if you do "reboot stack-topology", it will reboot the Stack Topology regardless of its members state.

Extreme Employee
reboot stack-topology command is used to reboot the entire stack. difference between reboot and reboot stack-topology is, "reboot stack-topology" command can be executed from any slot. but reboot command can be executed only from master node.

Extreme Employee
If you reboot a stack or stack member, the unit numbering will not chamge.
Regards Zdeněk Pala

New Contributor II
Thank you as well Andrew!